New Performance Work

Premiere July 2nd 2022

Duration: 1 hour

Performers: 5

Location: Suzanne Dellal Varda Hall, Tel Aviv Israel  

Produced by : Cesar Brodermann, Batsheva Dance Company

‘We are all foreigners, to each other and sometimes even to ourselves.’

We are conditioned to perceive borders where there may actually not be. If one observes the horizon long enough, the experience may feel like the border between the earth/ocean and the sky dissolves. Therefore, the question arises that if we experience something long enough (such as the body, an artwork, or even a societal structure) are we able to dissolve our learned borders/edges in order to ultimately be free?

BORDERLINE brings together five performers to explore the distance between themselves and the audience. A study on distance which focuses on the point of view of systems: the systems in which we live, being a number on paper, a number in a passport, etc. We must break the conditioning that creates distances between the self, people, cultures, and humanity